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10Ability – because sustainability matters

 At 10Ability, we are committed to support organizations perform better, and achieve a high level of sustainability performance. 

We combine innovative thinking and deep knowledge and expertise to develop solutions to sustainability challenges that entrepreneurs, companies and universities might face, benefiting our clients and society at large. Through complementary services, harmonized with our in-depth knowledge in the field, we support clients to identify and capitalize on new opportunities and achieve business success in a sustainable manner.

Our team of professionals, many having significant experience gained in international consultancy firms (Big4), has a large range of skills and consistent proven knowledge in sustainability and environmental protection, engineering and science, in addition to non-financial reporting and assurance. In this fast-changing environment, we believe it is crucial to improve sustainability performance and risk-proof your business, therefore, it is important measure your company’s sustainability performance.

By guiding you navigate through change we can help you understand the business and regulatory threats and opportunities across the sustainability spectrum and measure, monitor and improve non-financial performance. 

Moreover, we can assist you publicly disclose your sustainability performance and help demonstrate your leadership in driving sustainable and inclusive growth, aligned to the most renowned standards for sustainability reporting.


To achieve both financial and non-financial excellence, organizations need to incorporate a sustainable approach into their corporate agenda and implement robust strategies to adapt to the new responsibilities.


We are committed to play a unique role in the future sustainable development of human societies.